Monday, July 16, 2012

An Anniversary, A Give Away & My 5 Favorite Blog Posts

My blog turned 5 in June.  Can you believe it; I've been posting all of my favorite food things for 5 years now.  It feels like only yesterday I started this venture.

So how did the idea of a blog come to me?  Well it all started one hot summer night back in 2007.  Sitting by the pool with one of my oldest (not in age) friends, Don Black, having a chat session about the Phoenix food scene or lack there of.  We were both east coast transplants and were use to having food experiences that were special, local and unique at our fingertips.  Moving to Phoenix took a lot of adapting; a lot of hunting and a lot of cooking at home.

Don Black, 2011 Geico Commercial
After hours of venting Don suggested I start a blog "let others know how you are dealing with this change in food culture" his thought was there had to be people out there just like me that would benefit from what I'd been through and how I've adapted.

So that's what I did.  The first few posts were short; barely a paragraph.  They got minimal views and even less comments. But I didn't care and I plowed through.  I was enjoying having my own personal space to talk about my passion and I didn't expect much more to come from it.

Fast forward 5 years and I'm still blogging....not so much about the Phoenix food scene anymore or my tribulations to adapt but more about my food experiences in general.  My posts have grown in length and my followers have grown in numbers.  It's been a fun 5 years for me and I hope you've been enjoying it too. 

Here's to at least 5 more and to Don for giving me that kick in the butt to get this started.  Without his push the 5 blogs favorite...would never have been written. 

1.  Cooking and Climbing in Praiano, Italy

2. I'm Having An Affair

3. Eating My Way Through Philadelphia Part 1 and 2

4. Getting Reservations at Babbo and How I Met Mario Batali

5. Philadelphia Food, Friends and Turning 40

 ***The Give Away***

In honor of this blog milestone I'm giving away a copy of Southern Living's Big Book of Cup Cakes. All you have to do to be entered is leave a comment on this post.  Contest ends midnight, est. 7/23/2012.  One lucky comment leaver will be randomly picked to win this book.  Good Luck!


  1. I really don't like going away because of that reason. Philadelphia food is awesome. YOu have The Reading terminal, The Italian Market and South Street to choose from if you want good authentic Philly food. Just writing mouth is watering for a DiBruno Brother's Panini :)

  2. Congrats on 5 years of blogging. (They grow up so fast, don't they?)

  3. I always enjoyed the food at the restaurants you suggested in Philly. You know good food, because you grew up with good homemade meals. Your mother was a good cook and showed me how to cook authentic italian food. Thank her when you see her!

  4. those are great 5 posts and congrats on blogging for 5 years. you are doing a fantastic job!

  5. Congratulations! I'm a relative newcomer so I read your favorite posts above and ohgoodgolly it brought back so many memories of my Sicilian-American childhood. Nana's huge holiday feasts, shopping with Mom on Saturdays at one Italian shop for olives from the barrels and fresh pasta, another shop for mortadella, salami and ceci, another for cheese and still another for freshly baked bread, cookies and cannoli. All in the old neighborhood where everyone still spoke Italian first, then English if they had to. ;)
    Thanks for the memory nudge. If I ever get to do an Italian Food Hunt in Philly, you will need to be my guide! Cheers! :)

  6. Congratulations on your five years of blogging. I'm a relatively new blogger and it's inspirational to see that some have been doing it for so long. Thanks for the post.

  7. Congrats on your five years! What an accomplishment!

  8. Congratulations!
    Looking forward to the next five years....and thanks for the past five :)!
    Would love to play the the Cupcake cookbook

  9. Congrats on 5 years of blogging,you and I both started in 2007, where does time go? Looking forward to your next 5, you're the best!


  10. Congrats on 5 years of blogging! Here's to 5 more *cheers*!

  11. Congratulations! Here's to many, many more years of blogging.

  12. Cheers to 5 years!
    cereza25 at yahoo dot com

  13. Congratulations on five years!

  14. I enjoy your posts and have actually attempted a few recipes. Congrats on the 5 years.

  15. Happy blog anniversary! Looking forward to many more great food and articles.

  16. Congratulations on 5 years! That's something to be very proud of!
